Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Afternoon and Evening

Through all Rob's performances I have not gotten a picture with him so this time we did.
The Trio

Rob and Mom

Robert(John) with Aubrey (Mother Mary)

(Thomas,Peter and John)

Played by

Greg, Rojohn and Robert

View of the Temple when we arrived

View of the city around 6 ish

Easter evening we went to the 4th and final performance of Lamb of God up at the inter stake center in Oakland. Rob was doing his final performance as John. It was a wonderful show I would even say the best of the season. I left the show feeling relieved to no longer need to be a Choir widow and yet very proud and honored to be Robs wife.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Morning

Robert,Jarum,Beautiful Izzy and Megan
James with Andrew

James, Jarum, Andrew and Chris

James, Brendt, Jarum, Andrew, Chris,Ryan

Robert, Mike, James, Brendt, Jarum, Andrew, Chris and Ryan
The Men

The Happy Family (minus Sarah)

Chris, Andrew,James and Jill

Robert,Andrew,Chris and James

Jill and Chris

Sam, Brandon and Amy

Izzy woke up from a 10 minute nap

Izzy needs to go down for a longer nap

Megan and Izzy..Just love that little girl

Izzy and Jarum

(she was looking at me when I attempted to take this picture)

Rob and I had a wonderful Easter morning with family. We drove up to Lodi to enjoy some of Andrews special day and got the bonus of seeing my nephew and his baby girl who were in town. Rob had a performance in the evening or I think we would have stayed longer in Lodi.

It was so nice to be surrounded with so much family and so many little ones.